Veteran Catholic homeschooling mom, Katherine O'Brien, MA CCPS has been a college consultant since 2004. Helping students and families across the country create college success with well prepared students, savvy college choices, and abundant funding. With a BS in Industrial Engineering (Northwestern) and an MA in Theology (Franciscan), she's familiar with the strengths of Newman Guide schools and non-NG schools.
College Prep Steps from Middle School Onward
Homeschoolers are VERY successful in college, but must be well prepared. Katherine O'Brien, MA CCPS, veteran Catholic homeschooler and veteran college planning specialist will outline the steps from student personal skill development to the nitty gritty of course selection to finding great colleges for you to the application process. Homeschoolers have some advantages over their peers, as well as some additional challenges. Learn how to make the most of those, too!
Mission Critical – Finding the Right College
Finding the right academic, social, and Catholic environment are essential. So is finding the right net cost. We'll explore Newman recommended as well as other strong college options for Catholic students.